Sunday, August 28, 2011

Good Readers and Good Writers

"The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible." 

In this piece of writing, "Good Readers and Good Writers", of Vladimir Nabokov he gives us his thoughts on what makes a good reader. He states that a good reader should have an imagination, memory, a dictionary as well as some artistic sense. Nabokov further expands that, as a reader, we ought to use our imgination as the writer has used in creating their work. Additionally, a major thought that Nabokov has in what he believes makes a good reader, a major reader, an active and creative reader is one who rereads.

In conclusion of reading Nabokov's "Good Readers and Good Writers"  I agree with his thoughts on what he believes makes a good reader. After reading through the list of possible answers to what makes a good reader I can honestly say I chose the same four as Nabokov. Though I never thought to use a dictionary when I read a book, other than the Bible, I do think that helps a reader to understand completely what they are reading and be able to comprehend it.

Despite the fact that I agree with Nabokov on what makes a good reader, I do have some other thoughts of my own. Some characteristics I believe make up a good reader would be openess, mental and emotional flexability and a reality on and off switch. In elaboration to these characteristics, openess is that the reader be open to any new or old fictional ideology. As a reader I think mental and emotional flexability is also a key characteristic because if you have no option on the book you are to read, you may be reading something you wouldn't normally read. For this reason, you must be flexible mentally if you don't agree with the readings and the same goes for emotionally. Lastly, I think some readers get stuck in books even after they have finished reading them. This is not always a bad thing but I do believe it can go far with some readers knowing what is reality once they complete their readings. Therefore, it is a good thing to know when to turn off the reality switch and get into a book with the imagery it contains and when to turn it off when concluding.

I believe I'm a good reader who has many areas to improve on. I possess the imagination in which Nabokov deems lowly and shouldn't use. Honestly, I thought by identifying myself with one of the characters in a book helps bring me more into the book as well as recalling or relating to places in a book to things familiar to my life. However, after reading this article, I have a different understanding on how to read and do it in a more intellectual way.

Quote cames from the following website:
Picture came from the following website:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking the time to publish this information very useful!
