Friday, December 2, 2011

Victoria Adams
English 102
2 December 2011
This class has definitely been a challenge and yet one of the most useful classes I’ve taken. Before taking this class I did not realize how much analysis is important in the society we live in. I’ve realized that there is so much that passes me by and I just take it all in and accept it for what it’s worth, such as: news, here say, articles, books, magazines, advertisements, people, the economy, our government and things on the internet. I don’t usually take the time to analyze what I absorb and yet those very things I absorb can either affect me in the positive or negative. Using the tool of analysis and proper research I can adequately look at all these daily things and really have a grasp at what I’m taking in each day. In fact, most people unconsciously analyze people and things on a daily basis, but to know how to accurately implement what has been taught can make a big difference on the outcome of a person’s analysis and decisions.
In taking this class I know that my writing process has changed for the better. I previously had learned how to summarize and write persuasive essays, but analysis is more like the meat of a paper; then you can add some summary and persuasive writing to build on that to make up a great paper. I know this class will be useful to me in the near future and for the career field I am aiming for. I already am working in the legal field and plan to further my career in the legal field, of which uses lots research to support an analysis.
Overall, I enjoyed my semester in this class even though it was a challenge. My largest challenge was being non-stop busy. Being a wife, a mom and working full time keeps my days busy as it is and then add some college to that makes the load heavy. Despite all of those things that usually keep me busy, I was determined to get back into furthering my education and so I decided I could handle it all somehow. I have to admit I would sweat it sometimes on whether I could get an assignment done on time. I didn’t always succeed, but I can walk away from this semester saying I have gained knowledge and will be using what I’ve learned on a daily basis.

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