Sunday, October 30, 2011

Final Project Proposal

I have chosen to complete Option #1 mainly because I don't care to read books on "Monsters". Additionally, I haven't read too many short stories, novels or poetry since being in high school so it would be good if I brush up on my reading.

At this point I'm not too sure what my primary text or texts will be, however, I do know that my primary text will be written by Ernest Hemingway. It has been a while since reading his literature so that is why I chose this particular author.

I'm hoping to accomplish a few things with this project such as: brushing up on my reading and doing some good research which I hope will help later in the legal field. I also want this to be my best paper so I would like it to be thorough.

As far as my research, I'm not too sure. I need to do some more learning on this and then I can get a solid basis for my research and where it will come from. I do believe that most of my research will be from books rather than databases.

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