Sunday, October 9, 2011

Summary of a Critical Response

I chose to write on Percy Bysshe Shelley, "On Frankenstein" (pg. 185-186). This article was written by Percy Bysshe Shelley, who wrote his piece about his thoughts on the novel, Frankenstein. This article was written in 1817 and published in November 10, 1832 in The Atheneum Jouranl of Literature, Science and the Fine Arts. Percy Bysshe Shelley made many analysis on the novel, which I found to be similar to some of my own analysis. It is true what he states, "We climb Alp after Alp, until the horizon is seen blank, vacant, and limitless; and the head turns giddy, and the ground seems to fail under our feet." This novel keeps a high suspense level throughout its entirety. Only to drop us by yet another horrid scene. This is also  connected to his statement that, "The interest gradually accumulates and advances towards the conclusion with the accelerated rapidity of a rock rolled down a mountain. We are led breathless with suspense and sympathy, and the heaping up of incident on incident, and the working of passion out of passion." He overall gives some basic thoughts to the novel, which would be of great importance to someone who is interested in reading this novel or wants more insight to the background of it.

I believe this article would be a great source for me when I start to work on Essay #3. In this article, Percy Bysshe Shelley, gives lots examples of what the readers emotions are like while reading this novel. He states, "...we think we can bear no more, and yet more is to be borne" and "there is perhaps no reader...who will not feel a responsive string touched in his inmost soul." His article gets into the mind and emotions of the reader and somewhat speculates their results in reading the novel. The analysis  he gives when he says, "After the death of Elizabeth, the story, like a stream which grows at once more rapid and profound as it proceeds," is very accurate with the analyzing I did while reading. This article will be a helpful tool in my Essay as seen already in this blog.

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