Sunday, October 2, 2011

Reflections on Revision

   I have found over my school years that revision is one of the most important parts to making any written paper better. My normal writing process begins with thoughts and ideas of what I foresee my paper being about and gather important details to help support them. Next, I begin to draft the paper by creating sentences from the thoughts and ideas I had previously gathered. Once I have a draft of the paper I begin to make revisions. These revisions are usually the grammatically or local revisions. My purpose for doing this is to clean up the draft so that I can then have someone proofread it. After having one to two people proofread my paper, I will proofread the paper as well. Finally, I will make the major or global revisions to the paper based off the comments or recommendations from the proofreaders.
   The major benefit of revising a paper is that the paper becomes clearer and overall an enhanced paper in the end. For this reason, I believe to have any decent writing it needs to have some type of revision.

The following are some revisions I plan to make on Essay #2.

1. I think most importantly I would be working on strengthening my thesis statement. To just state that the speaker is gold I don't believe is strong enough. I was trying to make a point that the speaker was not only gold but that the speaker was also prideful. When I had stated "Haughty gold," I was trying to get that point across, but I do understand that sentence was pretty confusing and may be irrelevant to the reader. Therefore, I would be formulating a way to get this point across in a simpler form, but to where it can impact the entire essay.
2. Depending on how my thesis statement changes, I might possibly rearrange the order of my paragraphs in order to support my thesis statement better. The arrangement the paragraphs are currently in go chronologically with the poem. Although, the paragraphs might or might not stay in the same order, I will be looking at places where a particular paragraph might go better than another.
3. To help my argument, I will be taking out a few uneeded sentences/statements. Overall, I will mainly be adding to my arguments with more explanation. I didn't elaborate enough on a few points such as why the Nazi lampshade could possibly represent gold and who the speaker's enemy is and why. These points need to be firm and clear so that the reader can truly agree that the speaker of the poem is gold.
4. Some minor or local revisions that I will make are mainly on punctuation. There is probably only one spelling error that I will be making revision on which is on the word "site," in which should be sight. The areas where punctuation is most needed are the areas that seem disoriented which happen to be the second to last paragraph of the essay. There are a few other fixings to be made, which seem to have minor influences on the overall paper.
5. One of the last revisions I plan to make is in the last paragraph of the essay. I want to make sure that my final paragraph is as strong, if not stronger in highlighting my thesis. In order to do this I might need to add a few supporting points and take out some meaningless points or sentences I have in the last paragraph.

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