Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Image DetailTechnology
I have been unable to attend college "in class" so I'm very grateful that there is the option to take online classes. About five years ago I registered for English 102 online and for the first couple weeks I knew from the start I couldn't complete my English class online and I had to withdraw from that class. It seemed boring, confusing and distant. So I was very reluctant to re-register for English 102 "online". I have to say this class has been one of the funnest classes to take, because of the technology we were able to use. Just about every technology tool we were introduced to this semester was new to me and through using it I was able to learn about new ways of posting things,etc. 

Image Detail
I definitely was not bored in any way. I was excited everytime we were able to use some new technology. This class is unlike other online classes I've attended.

I've heard of blogs but never knew how to use it or how to create one. I liked using my blog so much that I've decided to keep one even after this class is over. 

Another aspect is that I wasn't ever confused without being given steps on how to do something. I also liked the option to contact the instructor via Skype, especially because most who attend online class weren't able to get to the campus.

Finally, distance wasn't ever an issue. I felt distant in my first online class because you couldn't see anyone, you only posted to the discussion board (boring) and had minimal interaction with the teacher. On the opposite, because all the students in the class had to create a blog I was able to see what my classmates looked like and see a little of their personality through the set up of their blog. Additionally, the comments from the instructor on different assignments made it feel like the comments an instructor would make on a student's actually paper assignment "in class". Those comments meant alot to me and helped encourage me throughout the semester.

I have to say, I have thoroughly enjoyed taking this class and can only hope that other online classes would incorporate these technologies that made this class so much better!

Link Source: http://www.usnews.com/education/technology-in-the-classroom
Picture #1 Visual Source: http://ithirewire.com/personal-perspectives/cell-phones-ipods-and-a-venti-zen-tea-from-starbucks.html

Picture #2 Visual Source: http://www.caalami.com/?p=2672

Friday, December 2, 2011

Victoria Adams
English 102
2 December 2011
This class has definitely been a challenge and yet one of the most useful classes I’ve taken. Before taking this class I did not realize how much analysis is important in the society we live in. I’ve realized that there is so much that passes me by and I just take it all in and accept it for what it’s worth, such as: news, here say, articles, books, magazines, advertisements, people, the economy, our government and things on the internet. I don’t usually take the time to analyze what I absorb and yet those very things I absorb can either affect me in the positive or negative. Using the tool of analysis and proper research I can adequately look at all these daily things and really have a grasp at what I’m taking in each day. In fact, most people unconsciously analyze people and things on a daily basis, but to know how to accurately implement what has been taught can make a big difference on the outcome of a person’s analysis and decisions.
In taking this class I know that my writing process has changed for the better. I previously had learned how to summarize and write persuasive essays, but analysis is more like the meat of a paper; then you can add some summary and persuasive writing to build on that to make up a great paper. I know this class will be useful to me in the near future and for the career field I am aiming for. I already am working in the legal field and plan to further my career in the legal field, of which uses lots research to support an analysis.
Overall, I enjoyed my semester in this class even though it was a challenge. My largest challenge was being non-stop busy. Being a wife, a mom and working full time keeps my days busy as it is and then add some college to that makes the load heavy. Despite all of those things that usually keep me busy, I was determined to get back into furthering my education and so I decided I could handle it all somehow. I have to admit I would sweat it sometimes on whether I could get an assignment done on time. I didn’t always succeed, but I can walk away from this semester saying I have gained knowledge and will be using what I’ve learned on a daily basis.

Visual source: http://www.tribalblogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/toomuchtimewriting1.gif

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Critiquing a Critique

This article raised one interesting area that I wanted to comment on. I thought it was interesting that Zombie's became more popular as the societal issue were at a high. These issues varied from people's fear of terrorism, natural disasters, war, social unrest and economical problems. When these sort of issues weren't a problem in society, then Zombie themed movies and books dropped in sales to almost making the Zombie movement extinct. However, they are now at a high due to every area of issues that now fill our everyday lives. My take is that people relate to the horrors of the Zombie's to the horrors they face from day to day and see on the news. Through this, the makers of the Zombie productions form their new stories and reap the benefits.

Link Source: http://www.cracked.com/article_15643_5-scientific-reasons-zombie-apocalypse-could-actually-happen.html
Visual Source: http://www.free-extras.com/images/zombies-11278.htm

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Draft of Final Project

My draft of the final project will be uploaded within a couple days.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Final Project Proposal

I have chosen to complete Option #1 mainly because I don't care to read books on "Monsters". Additionally, I haven't read too many short stories, novels or poetry since being in high school so it would be good if I brush up on my reading.

At this point I'm not too sure what my primary text or texts will be, however, I do know that my primary text will be written by Ernest Hemingway. It has been a while since reading his literature so that is why I chose this particular author.

I'm hoping to accomplish a few things with this project such as: brushing up on my reading and doing some good research which I hope will help later in the legal field. I also want this to be my best paper so I would like it to be thorough.

As far as my research, I'm not too sure. I need to do some more learning on this and then I can get a solid basis for my research and where it will come from. I do believe that most of my research will be from books rather than databases.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Mid-Term Check In

Dear Mrs. Cline,
            I’m very excited about getting back into furthering my education. I was hesitant to take an online class at first, because about 5 years ago I had started my first full-time job and attempted to take English 102 online. Unfortunately, I had to withdraw from my online class due to being discouraged that I wasn’t able to maintain both work and school at one time. I have now found myself back in College and very motivated to get some classes completed. So far my biggest challenge has been trying to get as much time in to make my writings my best. I’m not too sure what my biggest success has been, but it could be the fact that I’m still in the class working hard to get a good grade.
I have to admit that I was tempted to withdraw from class on the last day of withdrawal. I had updated and completed Essay #3 while I was out of town and was getting ready to submit it. Sadly there was a glitch when I tried saving my essay and all the corrections and additions to my essay were gone. At that moment I was devastated and was getting ready to submit my withdrawal that night, because I knew it would hurt my grade. Approximately 20 minutes later, I remembered all the comments you gave on my papers thus far and it encouraged me to submit what I had and I therefore chose not to withdraw. As you can tell, I enjoy your online class and its structure.
                 I have enjoyed the readings of this class. Although they are centered on the theme of “monstrous,” I can still relate them to my religious background, in a spiritual aspect.  They are indeed very interesting to read, but this helps keep me doing my work. The other part of this class is centered on literary analysis, of which comes at a great time. I recently changed positions at my job and am now required to do more of my own writing. Additionally, I would like to go into the legal field, where analysis is the key for legal writing. This kind of writing is very different from what I’ve learned in the past. I formerly learned persuasive writing; however, I believe that was like a set up to being able to write critical analysis papers.
                My goals for the second half of the session is to really put more into my writing to make it better. I know I can do a greater job on my essays if I made additional time to work on them. So to accomplish this goal I will simply need to make more time. This concept is easier said than done, but if I’m motivated then I know I can accomplish this goal. In reiteration, I enjoy this class and look forward to being a better writer with critical analysis skills. Thank you again for the encouraging comments.
Victoria Adams